Tonia (T.M.): This week I would like to welcome DV Berkom to my Summer Songs Interview Series. I was so excited that you agreed to visit with me. I know you have been busy with your seventh book in the Kate Jones Adventure Series being released last week, but I wanted to ask you a few questions so we can all get to know more about you and your writing.
DV: Thanks for inviting me, Tonia. It's always a pleasure to chat with you. J Ask away!
Tonia (T.M.): How long have you been writing and what peaked your interest to do so?
DV: My first attempt was at the age of seven when I wrote an illustrated ode to cleaning my room (tongue in cheek, even then). I didn't get really serious about writing until 2006 when I completed my first full-length novel. What a rush that was! After that, I was totally hooked.
Tonia (T.M.): If you had to name five authors who have inspired you to write or keep writing, who would they be?
DV: Only five? Aaack. Okay, let's see: Carl Hiassen (his characters are to die for and he's so FUNNY), Philippa Gregory (my favorite historical writer), Ernest Hemingway (The Sun Also Rises completely changed my ideas about writing), J.K. Rowling (the woman owns a castle. 'nuff said), Daniel Silva (love his Gabriel Allon series), John Sandford (great characters, off the cuff humor, gripping suspense), Janet Evanovich (her books make me LOL), Ken Follett (grew up reading his spy novels), Sue Grafton (Kinsey Millhone- one of the best strong female protagonists I've ever read) – oops. Apparently, I can't count. J
Tonia (T.M.): Who is your favorite author, of those you've mentioned above?
DV: No fair! I enjoy all of them equally. They each offer so much in terms of writing style, pace, setting, etc.
Tonia (T.M.): I am not sure if everyone knows, but I am a big fan of the Kate Jones Series. I love the character and for me, Kate represents the strength that lives within each and every one of us. DV can you tell us how Kate came to be?

Tonia (T.M.): I absolutely love the scenery in your books. I understand that you lived in Mexico for a time and that is where the first five books, Bad Spirits, in the series are set. Did you write about places you had been to and had a personal connection with in these books?
DV: Absolutely. As you mentioned, I lived in Mexico and fell in love with the country and the people who live there. Much of the time I lived on a sailboat in the Sea of Cortez, but I also traveled alone by bus to Mazatlan and other places, like Kate. It turned out to be the perfect setting for Bad Spirits.

DV: I did live in Alaska for a time and was awestruck by the raw beauty and vastness of the place. I love hiking and camping and basically anything to do with nature, so felt completely at home. The incredible people I met there gave me a LOT of writing material.
Tonia (T.M.): This question is selfish and merely to satisfy my own curiosity, but I have to know if we will ever see the character, Sam, again who appeared in Dead of Winter? I sort of fell in love with him, by the way. *wink*
DV: It's interesting you should mention that. Several readers have asked me to bring him back, and for much the same reason <grin>. He's definitely one of my favorite characters. I must admit, the idea for another book has been skipping around my brain that just might include his return…stay tuned!

DV: That's so cool! I can't wait to read your next book. And when will we fans be able to purchase this new project? Soon, I hope. J
As for Death Rites, I made my first trip to Hawaii last February and was intrigued by the mythology and history of the islands. I met many wonderful people while there and was exposed to countless fascinating legends so, of course, my brain just logically took those new experiences and created murder and mayhem. (Yes, it's a twisted brain, I know J)
Tonia (T.M.): This may be a spoiler question and because I have not yet read Death Rites you may have to dance around this one. *smile* Do you have other adventures for Kate Jones planned? If so, when can we expect to see more of this courageous, resourceful, vivacious character?
DV: Well, IF she makes it out of Hawaii alive J, then I would think the next book in the series could possibly be available around September.
Tonia (T.M.): I know that you published your first five books in this series with Books to Go Now. However, with the last two, you went the self publishing route. How is that working for you and are you glad you made that move?
DV: Books To Go Now was great to work with and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, but I've always been a Do-It-Yourself kind of gal. After I realized how much fun self-publishing was, I had to go solo. One thing a person should realize before they take the plunge, though, is you will need to treat self-publishing like a small business, because that's exactly what it is. You're responsible for your cover art, formatting, uploading, promotion, editing, the works. There are folks out there who can help you with any of the above, but most of the responsibility is going to rest squarely on your shoulders. That's the aspect that excites me the most, but, like I said, my brain is a tad twisted. J
Tonia (T.M.): I know you mentioned having interviewed a former DEA Agent from Texas, at the end of the Bad Spirits books. You know that has always piqued my curiosity as to how you met the former agent or was able to get that interview, considering I am from Texas. I think it adds a great deal of depth to your books and casts an air of realism to them as well. How did you happen to meet the mysterious former agent? Or is that a trade secret?
DV: It was pure, dumb luck. I posted a legal question on a writer's listserv I belong to, and a retired DEA supervisor responded. We exchanged several emails and I asked him if he'd be interested in reading Bad Spirits and giving me his take on the plausibility of the story. He said yes and I held my breath, waiting for his response. After a few days, he sent me an enthusiastic thumbs up! I was so grateful and excited to get the stamp of approval from an actual, retired member of the DEA.
Tonia (T.M.): That's an amazing turn of events that helped you bring Bad Spirits to life. I'm glad you had that input. Now, do you get a chance to read much with all the writing you do?
DV: I try to read something everyday. Right now I'm burning through mysteries and thrillers.
Tonia (T.M.): Do you see yourself working on new projects that are not Kate Jones related in the near future? If so, can you elaborate on or give us a glimpse of those projects so we know to keep our eyes open for them?
DV: Yes- thanks for asking! In addition to the Kate Jones series, I'm working on a stand alone book tentatively titled, "Pieces of April." It's a complete departure from Kate, and involves another strong female character who may or may not have had a history as a paid assassin. The rest of the plot is fairly twisted, so I'll leave it at that. My plans are to have it available by the end of this year.
Tonia (T.M.): Thank you so much for agreeing to participate in this little interview and for being a guest at my blog. Do you have anything you would like to say to the readers of this interview, other writers or those on the verge of diving off the writing cliff, so to speak, in the way of encouragement?
DV: Thanks, Tonia for such a fun interview! Great questions. Make sure you let us all know when your next book is available- I'm so looking forward to reading it!
If I were to say one thing to writers considering self-publishing, it would be DO IT! If you're a newbie and you have the urge to write, learn the basics, take some classes, shore up your weaknesses (we all have them J), join a critique group- then, write! Finish your first draft, go over it a couple of times, then send it to some trusted beta readers for feedback. Listen to everything they say that comes up more than once, as well as what resonates with you, and figure out how to change it. Put the manuscript down for a week or a month, then come back to it and re-read. Out loud. Revise, revise, revise. Check your facts. Send it to readers again. Incorporate their suggestions if they make sense, and revise again. Then, when you think it's as perfect as you can make it, find a good freelance editor and have them take a look. Once that's done, create a great looking book cover, format the book (the Smashwords Style Guide is a good place to start) and publish! There's a boatload of free information out there about all aspects of self-pubbing. Use it!
One more caveat: Enjoy the process. Most people won't stick with something for long if it isn't fun, and this is a long-haul kind of thing. Don't expect instant success, and don't quit your day job, yet. It's an exciting time to be a writer. Grab the reins and hold on tight!
I want to offer a big thank you to DV for visiting with me and letting us get to know more about her personally and her work. Her stories are very realistic, and I enjoy them very much. I hope you will check all of them out. I know I am looking forward to her her next projects.
Please stop by again next week for another featured author in my Summer Songs - Interview Series.
Please stop by again next week for another featured author in my Summer Songs - Interview Series.