Monday, January 10, 2011

Catching Up!

As you know, I've just finished my novel, Wings Of Fate, and I have a bit of down time before the edits start coming in from the editor.  It was an emotional moment for me to write the last word and close with the last line, but at the same time it felt very satisfying.

I've been trying to catch up on several unfinished projects and tidy things up around my various haunts so that people will not think I've dropped off the face of the earth. 

With the new year comes changes, which I don't do very well, but I do have a small project I am anxious to carry through.  I'm seizing a small area in my home to create my own "little office" or "sanctuary" so I can have a place to write and dream up new ideas.  Wish me luck in carrying out this tiny plan.  I need to get it out of the way because I hope to start work on a new novel very soon.


Anonymous said...


Shelby here. I am 'SABM' on LJ. I was wondering where you went. I always checked every now and then to see if there were any updates. Then. I saw it. The good news!! I absolutely cannot wait for your little novel to come out. Be expecting me to be one of your no.1 fans when it does come out, and I buy it! ^_^. What I have been meaning to ask is, "what is the story line?"

T.M. Hobbs said...

Shelby!! It's so nice to hear from you. I appreciate you checking in on me from time to time. I can't give much information just yet, but it's getting closer to publishing time. I'll be posting some tidbits soon. Hugs!!

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